The mission of Atonement Lutheran Church is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ -
birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension.
This is a shared ministry of staff and laity.
We are a community that provides time and space for worship, learning
and administration of the sacraments.
We witness by reaching out with God's love.
We accept responsibility for ministry to the spiritual and physical needs
of our congregation, community and
people of the world.
Our worship services are held each Sunday morning and include a time of singing, congregational prayer, communion and preaching.
We strive to create a family friendly atmosphere. All people are welcome, we are created in God's image.
We celebrate the Lord's Supper each Sunday. All are welcome to the Lord's table. Children are invited
for a blessing.
Sunday Worship | 9:00 am
Praise Worship
Sunday School | 9:00 am
Begins in Worship Space
Adult Education | 10:10 am
Morning Worship | 10:45 am
Join us for pre-service music at 9:45 AM. There is only one service today - 10:00 AM, Jazz Worship Service. Followed with King Cake and Coffee. Join us!
Address: 6281 West Yale Ave., Lakewood, CO 80227
Phone: 303-985-1122
Morning Worship | 9:00 am Praise Worship
Sunday School | 9:00 am Begins in Worship Space
Adult Education | 10:10 am
Morning Worship | 10:45 am Liturgical
Both services are available on Facebook Live and YouTube.